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他和盖茨已出资400万美元作为这只基金的初始资金。该基金由美国慈善组织Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids管理。

He and Mr Gates have committed $4m to initiate the fund, which will be administered by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, a US charity.

周三,位于纽约的自由西藏学生运动(Students for a Free Tibet)的一位项目主任表示,该组织打算要求其成员公开对扎西文色表示支持。

A campaigns director with Students for Free Tibet , based in New York, said Wednesday that the group planned to ask its members to publicly advocate for Mr. Tashi.

这是脱北者朴相鹤(Park Sang-hak)领导的自由北韩斗士(Fighters for Free North Korea)实施的最新一次惊人之举。过去十年,朴相鹤一直置身于针对这个隐秘的共产党国家的宣传战的前沿。

It is the latest stunt by Fighters for Free North Korea, an activist group led by North Korean defector Park Sang-hak, who has for the past decade been at the vanguard of the propaganda campaign against the secretive Communist state.

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然而,一些广告商一直备受争议;Vice(英国)的子公司Edition Worldwide因为播放烟草巨头菲利普莫里斯国际公司制作的内容而被儿童无烟草运动(Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids)和其他反吸烟组织称为是”高度不负责任”的行为。

However, some advertisers have been controversial; Edition Worldwide, a subsidiary of Vice UK, was called “highly irresponsible” by the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids and other anti-smoking groups for their work producing content for tobacco giant Philip Morris International.

“我们家属认为丹增德勒仁波切是遇害身亡,”格西尼玛在电话中说。”一个无辜的人在经过13年的折磨后死于狱中,这不正常。”总部位于纽约的倡导团体自由西藏学生运动(Students for a Free Tibet)组织了这场电话会议。

“My family believes Tenzin Delek Rinpoche was murdered,” Geshe Nyima said during the call, which was organized by the advocacy group Students for Free Tibet, based in New York. “There is nothing natural about an innocent man dying in prison after 13 years of torture.”

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扎西文色的案件已引起国际社会的关注。美国国务院的官员知道他遭到了羁押,加拿大记者言论自由协会(Canadian Journalist For Free Expression)的代表说,该组织已启动了一个呼吁释放他的请愿活动。习近平主席本周将来到华盛顿参加讨论核问题的峰会,奥巴马总统可能会在期间向他提到人权问题。

Mr. Tashi’s case has attracted international attention. Officials at the State Department are aware of his detention, and a representative of Canadian Journalists for Free Expression said the group was starting a petition to call for his release. President Obama may raise human rights issues with his Chinese counterpart, President Xi Jinping, when Mr. Xi visits Washington this week for a summit meeting on nuclear issues.

无烟草青少年运动(Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids)的国际法律协会主任帕特里夏·兰伯特(Patricia Lambert)表示,在非洲,至少有四个国家 – 纳米比亚、加蓬、多哥和乌干达 – 已经收到烟草公司的警告,称这些国家的法律与国际条约相抵触。

In Africa, at least four countries – Namibia, Gabon, Togo and Uganda – have received warnings from the tobacco industry that their laws run afoul of international treaties, said Patricia Lambert, director of the international legal consortium at the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids.

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The Android TV home screen also includes a Watch Next row, which is populated with programs from apps, based on the viewing habits of the user.

Nexedi 由来自世界各地的开发员,咨询师,学术专家以及系统集成者组成。我们采用平面层次结构的组织模式以适应我们需要的敏捷开发模式。大多数 Nexedi 的开发员已经领导或参与了开源项目,例如 Grub, Mercurial 和 Zope。有些开发员还是自由软件 (Free Software) 协会的活跃成员,例如 Free Software Foundation (FSF) 以及 Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure e.V. (FFII)。

We are an international team of developers, consultants, academics and system are organized in a flat hierarchy which aligns with our agile development model. Many of our developers have lead or contributed to open source projects, such as Grub, Mercurial or Zope. Some are active members of free software organizations, such as the Free Software Foundation (FSF) or the Foundation for Free Information Infrastructure e.V. (FFII).

纽约 – (美国商业资讯) – 无烟世界基金会(Foundation for a Smoke-Free World)即将宣布其2018年吸烟状况调查(2018 State of Smoking Survey)结果,并邀请全球媒体参加这次的新闻发布会。由该基金会委托进行的这项研究旨在更好地了解人们吸烟的原因、吸烟者戒烟的动机以及戒烟的难点。此研究还希望找出全球吸烟者之间的共同点和差异,以帮助在不同文化和经济条件下制定更好的减少吸烟危害和实现戒烟的方法。

The World Health Organization (WHO) states there are one billion smokers worldwide and 7.2 million deaths from smoking each year. By uncovering key drivers behind why people smoke, and main barriers to quitting, the Foundation hopes to advance innovative approaches to cessation and reduced-risk products that will more rapidly and effectively eliminate harm and deaths from smoking around the world.

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