Đạo – Con đường không lối


Tao is the pathless path.

Tao believes in the philosophy of let-go.

The journey itself is the goal.

A parable is open-ended; it says and yet is leaves much to be said, it only hints.

Lieh Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu are the 3 Taoist masters.

Christianity and Hinduism and resuper highways; you need not risk anything, you simply follow the crowd. With Tao you have to go alone, you have to be alo


Tao is the pathless path.

Tao believes in the philosophy of let-go.

The journey itself is the goal.

A parable is open-ended; it says and yet is leaves much to be said, it only hints.

Lieh Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu are the 3 Taoist masters.

Christianity and Hinduism and resuper highways; you need not risk anything, you simply follow the crowd. With Tao you have to go alone, you have to be alone.

Freedom is dangerous as there is no security in it.

Truth cannot be found unless you have inquired on your own.

Tao is very much against knowledge.

Out of misery one has to invent the tomorrow and something to cling to (self soothing).

Thinking cannot deliver truth. Truth is an experience and the expereince happens only when thinking is no longer there.

Whenever you are close to reality thinking is not needed (eg looking at trees).

Thinking is dreaming with words, dreaming is thinking with pictures.

You are in me, I am in you. The trees are in you, you are in the trees. It is an interconnected whole.

Tao means an egoless existence. Nobody is separate so ego is absurd.

Become alert, aware. Become a flame of consciousness. The body is dying, the ego is dying but I am not dying as I am the witness. That witness is the very core of existence. That witness is ‘god’or ‘tao’ – the knower, the knowing element, consciousness, awareness, alertness.

Do whatsoever you are doing, but do it as if you are a witness to it – watch it silently, go on observing it.

In the light of awareness, the darkness of ego disappears.

With ego disappearing, your separation from existence has disappeared.

When the joy is truly there, it is so mysteriou, it is so primal, that you cannot find any reason for it.

Remove the obstacle, or the negative, and joy or happiness flows.

I am somebody. This cannot lead to real happiness because deep down there is comparison. If you are feeling superior (even over animals, trees etc) at any moment you can feel inferior.

A real person, an authentic person, is neither superior or inferior. He simply is unique.

The East seem to be happier than the West due to the Karma belief, which is a consolation buffer.

Life has to be faced. It is tough; there is much pain but the pain has to be faced. There is misery; it has to be encountered; it has to be passed through without any explanations and without any consolations. IF you can live life without any theorisation about it – directly, immediately moment to moment – one day you will come to that source of joy, which is not a consolation; which is contentment. Contentment is a positive state of being, consolation is just negative.

Contentment comes only when you are not comparing, when you are simply within yourself -centred, rooted.

Consolation is a rationalisation, contentment is realisation.

Life comes through being, not through having.

Being; neither having nor not having.

Comparsion is the root cause of misery.

Tao is against discipline and for spontaneity.

Tao masters live a very ordinary life.

Happiness cannot be conditional on an outer cause. It is always there.

Happiness needs only understanding, no other cause. And understanding is also not a cause of it – understanding simply unveils it; its inside you.

Curiosity is not inquiry. Inquiry means you are ready to put your life at stake.

An ambitious man will always regret. Ambition by its very nature is unfulfillable.

The real, authentic happiness is here now. These are not 2 moments together – thats why its uncaused. Because for cause and effect to exist at least 2 moments will be needed – 1 to cause it, another to effect it. But only this moment – total, alone, single, is avaiable.

Whatsover you can find to be miserable about you simply jump upon, and whatever you can be happy about, you simply forget, you dont take any notice of it.

A real seeker is agnostic. He is open, never closed.

Selfishness is natural. You take care of your happiness, your rest, your life, and you will be simply surpirsed that when you are happy, you help others to be happy becuase you understand by and by that if others are happy you will be more happy.

The gentleman is an unauthentic person.

Growth comes from being true.

Trust in nature is Tao.

Act, do, but be a non-doer deep inside, Talk, speak, but remain silent deep within.

Let there be harmony in the contradictions within you.

Meaning comes through silence.

Whenever there is a possibility for the new, go into the new. And go fast because the old will hold you back – it is very heavy.

Buddhism and Taoism met and gave birth to Zen.

If nobody is able to use you, you will ahve a beautiful life of your own – independent, free and joyful.

There is a value, an ultimate value in being nobody, in being empty, in being of no use. When you are of no use to humanity, you become of tremendous use to existence. Then existence starts flowing through you, then you become a vehicle -because you are so empty it can flow through you.

When all desires are negated, suddenly you are still. Nowhere to go, nowhere to move.

Thoughts cannot be stopped directly because thoughts are nothing but the servants of desires (or seeds as Marcello calls them). When desire is there, you cannot stop thoughts.

Whenever you are alone, still, quiet, suddenly you will be centred, grounded. You will feel the tremendous joy of non-being. But the moment you relate to somebody it will be lost; you lose your inner space. Dont be afraid of relating. Its right to be afraid, but if retreating becomes a habit its dangerous (become recluse!). One day you will relate and remain alone together = master.

The highest peak is attained only when nobody can disturb your inner peace – nobody, no situation can disturb it.

Intellect is part of Tao, not the whole.

If an outer discipline is imposed on you it will kill your love qualities. IT will kill your love sensibilities, it will make you dull (stephen sedgman?).

With the inner discipline, love arises.

To be lazy and aware = taoist. It doesnt mean you become inactive. It simply means you have become capable of not doing too.

Its none of your business what others are doing. Opinions are interfering.

Remain a learner, never become a knower.


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